Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Dear Friends of WAMS,
In the middle of a huge distribution of coats and diapers at WAMS this morning, we learned of a terrible fire that destroyed two big triple-deckers in Southbridge. Eleven families (30 people) escaped with whatever they were wearing at 3:00 AM. It was 25 degrees outside.
WAMS is working to organize some support for these families. We’re consulting with other organizations to determine what the greatest needs are and how we can most efficiently help. We are collecting donations and will use every penny to assist in the recovery. If you can help, please make a donation to Worcester Area Mission Society and note that it’s for the Southbridge drive. The quickest way to donate is to go to the WAMS website Donate page: https://www.wamsworks.org/donate .
Thank you for any help you can give on this very difficult day.
Karen Ludington, Executive Director
Worcester Area Mission Society