If you’re not going to Ferry Beach, here’s another way to get together. Please join me and folks from UUCW’s Get Out the Vote Team at the Western MA Democracy Fair sponsored by the Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence. Saturday, September 14, 11-2. The fair will be held on the USN front lawn or inside (if it rains). 220 Main St, Northampton, MA 01060, USA This is a non-partisan event. What happens in W. Mass. impacts us, too! UUCW will have a table, displaying our new banner, talking to attendees about voting early, making sure they are registered to vote, and encouraging folks to Vote your Values and Make Your Voice Heard. Want to carpool from UUCW or near Mass Pike in Sturbridge? Contact me directly if interested.
More details from the press release: “Fairgoers will learn about democracy and have fun while doing it! You’ll learn what’s going on in Western MA to defend, strengthen, and fix democracy…and to take action! There will be voter registration, postcarding, phone banking, education, and much more as local organizations share what they are doing. Plus – International Democracy Day is Sept 15, and we’ll talk about ways democracies around the world have succumbed to autocracies and have overcome authoritarian regimes.”
Shared by Beth Posner-Waldron, coordinator of " title="UUCW Get Out the Vote Team">UUCW Get Out the Vote Team