As the end of 2023 quickly advances, we want to pause and thank you all for your contributions to UUCW. Because of you we are able to continue to provide regular weekly worship services, holiday events, an array of religious exploration programs across the life-span and ongoing support for so many in our community through outreach programs like the Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, the Refugee Ministry, outreach to homeless families, and our continuing commitment to creating environmental sustainability through our native plant gardening initiative. Over a dozen community organizations regularly meet in our facility and we continue to attract lots of attention with our new sign and full parking lot!
As we look toward 2024 the Board is aware that we are currently $12,000 behind our pledge payment projections for FY2024. Those who pledge regularly should have received a statement over the past week indicating the status of intended pledges. We thank you for your continuing support! For those who may be a bit behind, please consider making a contribution before year-end in order to save on your 2023 taxes.
Also, please note that Massachusetts has a new charitable deduction for donations made as of January 1, 2023. Gifts are eligible for deduction for all MA taxpayers, whether you itemize deductions on your federal return or not. This deduction is universal, and permanent, so you can utilize it every year going forward.
For those using automatic check writing services, please remember to update the address of the church which is now: (please note the change in address AND zip code)
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester
140 Shore Drive
Worcester, MA 01605-3117
If you have any questions about your pledge or wish to make a pledge for the rest of the fiscal year (through June 2024), please email Margos Stone ().
We hope that you are planning a wonderful holiday and that you will join us for any of the upcoming special services and social events planned.