We hold Sunday morning worship services at 10:00 a.m., September through June. Lay-led services are held in July and August. Children’s Religious Exploration (RE) classes and nursery care (for little ones under age 4) are provided during the service starting at the end of September and running through the second week of June.

Worship includes readings, music, a reflection from the minister, and an optional time to share the joys and sorrows that mark the significant milestones of our lives.  Services are typically led by Rev. Aaron Payson but may also be led by a lay leader with a guest speaker.  Worship services last approximately 75 minutes.

We invite you to stay for coffee and conversation after the Sunday morning services so you can get to know us. We want to get acquainted, to answer your questions, and to learn how we might support you in your religious journey.

Summer services are lay-led.  Our summer calendar will be announced in the spring.

If you have questions about our programs, or about becoming a member of this religious community, please feel free to speak with the Minister, the Director of Religious Exploration, or contact the Connections Team.