A Summer of Diversity and Justice
Robin Mitzcavitch, DRE, will be offering an RE program for children online (via Zoom) for most weeks of the summer.
Exploring Diversity and Justice – Stories and Discussion for Children
will begin on June 21st and run through August 30th with no meeting on July 4th. Our virtual summers will be most Sundays from 9 a.m. to approximately 9:45 a.m.

We have a wonderful RE library at UUCW filled with books that align with our Unitarian Universalist Principles. Therefore, we have many important books that allow us to explore challenging topics like racial equality, different types of families, food justice, LGBTQI discussions, immigration. We have intentionally culled together special books that honor our roots, our differences, and our unique abilities. Over the summer we will explore different topics that I will pre-announce each week, and give children space to have light discussions in a safe environment over Zoom.