Archives: Services

Music As Life

Join Dr. Matthew Johnsen, UUCW Music Director, the UUCW Choir, and Guest Musicians for a celebration of all things musical!  This year our Annual Music Sunday will explore “Music as Life”. Please CLICK HERE to view this week’s Order of Service.

Toying With Our Future

As we honor Earth Day we consider the cost of pleasure on the environment.  Studies over the past few years show an alarming statistic that more and more plastic, including rising rates of plastic toys are being found in our world’s oceans and ingested by sea creatures.  On this special Sunday, we ask, what is the cost … Continue reading Toying With Our Future

Aflame & Afloat

This Sunday we honor the anniversary of the birth of British/American Unitarian minister Joseph Priestly who is credited with identifying oxygen and whose lab and home were burned by a riotous crowd who spurned his liberal theology and support for the French Revolution.  Priestly also established the first Unitarian congregation in the United States having … Continue reading Aflame & Afloat

On Symbolic Belonging

On this St. Patrick’s Day we pause to consider what it means to celebrate this holiday and to honor the Irish heritage of this country and across the world.  How do we relate to cultures that are part of our own or distinct and yet call us into relationships? Please CLICK HERE to view this … Continue reading On Symbolic Belonging