Archives: Services

Kindred Conversations

Join us this Sunday for Kindred Conversations, we’ll gather together in order to get to know each other better and to have an opportunity to share what important to us as we contemplate deeper listening and the notion of repair.  Please CLICK HERE to view this week’s Order of Service.

Our Service Continues

We end our service each week with the reminder that “Worship here has ended but our service continues…” The week after what is very likely the most consequential election of our lifetime thus far, we will gather to consider what that service consists of.  Join us for this timely opportunity for reflection and rejuvenation. Please CLICK HERE … Continue reading Our Service Continues

Prophetic Possibilities & The Politics of Heresy

Join us for this election day weekend exploration of the intersection of religion and politics.  During this day and age of such rancorous public exchange, what might we remember to bring to such a time.   Please CLICK HERE to view this week’s Order of Service.

Renewing Religion

Join us this Sunday for our Annual Samhain Service featuring a UNICEF collection and costume parade.  After the children head off for their festivities we’ll pause to expand on the conversation begun last Sunday by Dr. Breeden and ask what it is that we might do to be a renewing force for spiritual and religious … Continue reading Renewing Religion

2024 Annual Dr. Irving & Annabel Wolfson Lecture

This Sunday is our Annual Wolfson Lecture featuring Guest Lecturer and 2024 Wolfson Award Winner, Rev. Dr. David Breeden.  The congregation is invited to a special reception featuring local Middle Eastern fare in Fellowship Hall following the service. The Title of Rev. Dr. Breeden’s talk is “”Tending the Fire: Unitarian Universalist Humanism and Religious Neutrality.” … Continue reading 2024 Annual Dr. Irving & Annabel Wolfson Lecture

Acknowledging Our At-One-Ment

On this Indigenous Peoples Day Weekend, and the conclusion of the Jewish High Holidays, we gather to remember our histories and heritages and ask what continues to connect us and inspire us to be a congregation devoted to justice, hope, and love.  Join us for this special celebration.  Please CLICK HERE to view this week’s Order of Service.

Give Them Hope & Courage

This Sunday we honor Universalism Day.  Now in our 183rd year as a liberal religious congregation, we pause to consider how the message of Universalism has evolved.  What new ways does the message of universal salvation need to be articulated?  How shall we inspire people to give each other “not hell. but hope and courage” to … Continue reading Give Them Hope & Courage

Dancing on the Void

In her book, “A Big-Enough God: A Feminist’s Search for a Joyful Theology,” Sara Maitland tells the story of a tight-rope walker “dancing on the void”.  This spectacular metaphor for what it means to thrive in the face of messages and personalities that predict our failure and thrive on pointing out our faults.  Especially in … Continue reading Dancing on the Void

A Healing For the World

Jim mixes songs and stories in a message of peace and reconciliation for a wounded world and our struggling society. Amid wars, cataclysmic weather events, and an economic collapse, long term visions of sustainability have lately been obscured if not abandoned. In this season of harvest, optimism and renewal of spirit for the work we … Continue reading A Healing For the World