Seasonings – Adult Religious Exploration Programs

We understand that religious and spiritual development are life-long processes. In this spirit, the congregation offers a host of opportunities for adult faith development, spiritual enrichment, leadership training, and social justice exploration and action.

To plan for 2023-2024 Adult Faith Development offerings, please take a moment to complete our 2023-24 ADF Survey which includes a variety of new groups for the coming year.
There are a number of ongoing groups that meet at least monthly.

Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development – Join Rev. Aaron Payson and other members and friends as we gather online @ 7 pm each Sunday (except those Sundays when Rev. Payson is out of the pulpit) from 7-8:30 for a lively exploration of Unitarian Universalism in all its forms. See our weekly announcements for upcoming topics and to register to attend online.

Side With Love is the umbrella working-group that provides a host of opportunities for members and friends, throughout the year, to engage in learning, action, and service related to social justice issues. We currently have Anti-Racism, Climate Justice, and Refugee & Immigration ministries as well as ongoing efforts through our own Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry and a partnership with the In The Hour of Need family shelter.

Lunch With the Minister meets on the 1st Friday of the month at noon. Members and friends, particularly those in retirement, bring a bagged lunch, and if they wish, a dish to share. We provide coffee, tea, and a welcoming environment. We engage in informal conversation and catch up with each other, talk about what is important to each of us, and learn about upcoming events and programs in the congregation and community.

Women’s Social Circle is open to all who identify as a woman. The group gathers monthly on Saturday morning at a local restaurant for informal conversation and an opportunity to learn about upcoming programs in the congregation and community.

Men’s Group is a community of men that help and support each other. The meetings are confidential and are an opportunity for men to share their thoughts and opinions in a respectful conversation. This group is not meeting at this time.

Evening Book Club – This monthly meeting invites members and friends to gather and discuss a pre-selected book. The group meets in the evening on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from September through June.

Our Music Program is led by Matthew Johnsen, Director of Music, who leads the adult choir and works with ensembles, soloists, and guest musicians to provide music to enhance our weekly Sunday Morning Worship Program. The music program also offers opportunities to perform at special holiday and community-wide programs throughout the year.

The NewUU Program is facilitated a number of times a year and serves as a basic introduction to Unitarian Universalism and the history, beliefs, practices, and opportunities to engage the mission and ministries of this congregation.

Meditation Group meets on Monday from 9:30 to 10:45 am. This is a drop-in group and is open to all, with an emphasis on utilizing mindfulness meditation to enhance our connection to ourselves and others. We practice for 30 minutes and discuss the practice and often read and discuss a book related to mindfulness and meditation. We support each other in utilizing the practice in our daily lives to enhance our happiness and well being.

Ecumenical Seasonal Study Groups – Join members and friends who are part of congregations of the Greendale Ecumenical Group for seasonal study groups that explore faith, theology, history and more across religious traditions. See the newsletter for upcoming study opportunities.

In addition, UUCW hosts a variety of community organizations including a number of weekly 12-Step groups including AA, ACOA, S-Anon, DA, and OA. Other groups including the Greater Worcester Humanists also gather monthly at our facility.
For more information about upcoming meetings for any of these groups see our weekly newsletter – The Message, or please contact the UUCW office.