Welcome from the Director of Religious Exploration
Raising Inclusive and Justice-Minded UU Children Through Stories, Activities, and Discussions.
Religious Exploration classes begin Sunday, September 22nd!
This year, our Religious Exploration program is offering a variety of programming for our families. Using a theme-based and justice-minded curriculum, each week we present lessons appropriate to our times and our UU faith, a faith of justice whose first principle calls us to honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
As we explore timely topics and embark on deep conversations, we will bring love, equality, empathy, vision, inclusivity, and justice to the forefront in uplifting and empowering ways. See all of our offerings on the RE Sunday Morning Page!
Please take a look at our Weekly Update for more details on all of our activities.
Here are our 2024 – 2025 offerings:
The Childcare Space (Infant to age 3)
Pre-K and K- Spirit Play- Spirit Play
Grades 1-5 – Explorers
Grades 6 &7- Questing Year/ Neighboring Faiths
Grades 8 & 9 – Our Whole Lives- OWL
Grades 9 – 12 – High School Youth Group
For more information contact Robin Mitzcavitch, RE Director

Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula for use in both secular settings and faith communities.