The November 5th election is days away….HAVE YOU ALREADY VOTED? IF NOT, READ ON:
The late Congressman John Lewis said “The vote is the most powerful non-violent tool we have.” Are you ready to protect our democracy? Have you reviewed the referendum questions? Do you know the candidates for your state legislators?
If you haven’t already voted, here are some important dates and voting resources:
Most of the information you need for voting can be found here: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/elections-and-voting.htm
Registration deadline: October 26th–passed
Voting early in-person: Ends November 1st–may vary slightly where you live
Find your early voting location(s), dates, and times here
You can vote in person at any early voting location in your city/town–lines will usually be shorter than waiting till Election Day and you have more flexibility on when and where to go. You won’t have to worry about a hurricane or other unexpected problem keeping you from casting your ballot!
Deadline to request a mail-in ballot: October 26th–passed
Vote by Mail information is here
It’s too late to put your ballot in the mail but if you already did, you may want to check to be sure it was received and accepted by your town/city. Use the tracker and if your ballot was not yet accepted, go vote in person on Election Day and let election officials know your circumstances.
Polling hours on Election Day, November 5th: 7 am to 8 pm
If voting on Election Day, find your assigned polling place here,
If you would like a deep dive into who will be on your ballot and where candidates stand on important issues, use this interactive tool, Activote: https://myactivote.com/#home
Be aware, if you have not returned your local annual census, you may be considered “inactive” on the voter rolls and need to provide proof of residency with your current address (ex. driver’s license, electric or gas bill) when you go to vote.
The Get Out the Vote Team wants to help you in any way we can for you to be an active participant in this year’s General Election. So much is at stake: protecting our democracy, fighting climate change, access to abortion and reproductive healthcare nationally, access to affordable healthcare and more.
Please share this information with your friends and family and help make the world a better place for all, one voter at a time.
Updated by Beth Posner-Waldron, 10/29/24, UUCW Get Out the Vote Team