A municipal election is coming up on November 7th in Worcester. Do you have a plan to vote?
In Worcester, residents will be electing their Mayor and representatives for the City Council and School Committee. The polls will be open from 7 AM to 8 PM. The preliminary election held in September determined who is proceeding to the November election. Previously, School Committee representatives all ran as At-Large candidates. This is the first year that there will be district representatives for the School Committee in addition to two At-Large candidates. Having school committee districts established should help ensure that the diverse community of Worcester will be represented fairly.
Early in-person voting is available through November 3rd at the Worcester Public Library on Salem Street.
Please spread the word about the importance of voting in this election.
Here is a list of the Worcester municipal election candidates. This list and additional information, including where to vote, is available at https://www.worcesterma.gov/elections. If you are interested in watching one of the debates held for at-large candidates and contested seats, it’s not too late. Here is a link to the website that has recordings.
Other municipalities may be having elections in November as well.
Make your voice heard and go vote!
Beth Posner-Waldron
UUCW Get Out The Vote Team