• Photos of the Week for May 23, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    The Rev. Cheryl Leshay holds up the book “I Am This Abled” by Sam Gordon to show where the title of her sermon “Being “This-Abled”” came from. Rev. Leshay formulated this hybrid (online and in person) service for May 21, 2023. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    On May 20, 2023 the UUCW Men’s Group held a Bike Ride Outing on the Rutland Rail Trail. From left are Andy Hegedus, Kim McCoy, Evans Waldron and Dave Schowalter. (photo by Dave Schowalter)

    Photo of the Week #3

    In this undated photo from the UUCW archives, among those in attendance at church are Michael and Linda Holbrook, Sally Demetry and Wendy Innis. (photo by Tom Pierce)
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  • Photos of the Week for May 16, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    “The Coming of Age – Again” program for adults; a Continuing Journey. The program graduation was held during the service on May 14, 2023. Robin Mitzcavitch (back to camera), aka The Queen Mother, hugged the grads, from left, Ana Gregory, Vickie Cox-Lanyon, Ryan Wallace, Sean Reynolds, Marieca Davieau, Sheri Linn and Pauline Courchesne. The Rev. Aaron Payson is at right. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Ziehal speaks about his grandmother for an 8th Principle Moment during the service on May 14, 2023.

    Photo of the Week #3

    Coraline plays Bach’s “Gavotte in C Minor,” the Prelude for the May 14, 2023 service.

    Photo of the Week #4

    Andrea Cruz, Soprano, sings “Dear Theodosia” for the Offertory during the service on May 14, 2023.

    Photo of the Week #5

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to Jan. 20, 2006 and the All-church book group. Assistant book discussion leader Loree Burns, rear, is shown with Catherine.
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  • Photos of the Week for May 9, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    Religious Exploration classes did “Painting, Building and Planting for Fairy Houses” on May 7, 2023. Top photo: Sarah plants marigolds in the Fairy Garden. Bottom photo: Kai paints a Fairy House. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    May 7, 2023 marked the first time ever that the All-Church photo was taken by drone. Talking with the Drone Operator, Owen Ryan, right, after the photo was taken, is Craig Van Batenburg.

    Photo of the Week #3

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to May 14, 2017 when, from left, Fred D’Angelo, Vickie Cox-Lanyon and Joe DelGizzi sang “Just One Person” during the Coming of Age Service. Fred began the song, then Vickie joined him, then Joe. The Mentors then joined in en masse, followed by the whole congregation.
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  • Photos of the Week for May 2, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    Rachel Wagner sings “Auf dem Strom,” accompanied by Matt Bejune on French Horn and Matt Johnsen on piano (not shown) during Music Sunday on April 30, 2023. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Music Director Matt Johnsen delivers the Reflection “The Creative Act: A Way of Being” during Music Sunday on April 30, 2023. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    Lounge Makeover – work on April 29, 2023 Top photo, from left, Maya Desai and Cristina Heffernan; Maya is painting a room divider. Bottom photo, Vickie Cox-Lanyon paints the bookcase. The trio, plus Beckley Schowalter and Karen Stephenson, are the Lounge Lizards Task Force. Their goal with the Lounge is to create a room that is “inviting, organized, multi-functional and serene.” They are doing this in two phases. The first, current, phase is to reassess stuff and upgrade it either by not spending any money or at a very low cost. They are wrapping up this phase in May of 2023. The second phase is to make a list of budgeted items to do in the next two years, either grant-funded or budget-funded. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    This undated photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to a church dance with, from left, Kathy Hebert, Jan Cutman and Beth Posner-Waldron. (photo by Judy Savage)

    Photo of the Week #5

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to January 18, 2009 when the choir sang on Justice Sunday. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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  • Photos of the Week for April 25, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    Music Director Matt Johnsen plays the Prelude, Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land” during the service on April 23, 2023. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to the June 10, 2007 service when 3-year old Charlie saw things from a different perspective.

    Photo of the Week #3

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to December 31, 2017 when Chuck Innis played the prelude before the service. The service was led by his daughter, the Rev. Jennifer Innis.
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  • Photos of the Week for April 18, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    Certified meditation teacher, educator and author Wendy O’Leary gave a talk in Fellowship Hall on Growing Self-Compassion on April 16, 2023. It was a multi-generational event for all ages. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Colleagues all! Members of the Worcester Garden Club, the Worcester Native Plant Initiative and Worcester State University joined with the Garden-On Team to pot plants on April 16, 2023. (photo by Paul Starvaski)

    Photo of the Week #3

    From left, Lynn Gostyla, Susan Crossley, Mara Pentlarge, Evan Wilson and Linda Morse attended a demonstration in Worcester City Hall on April 11, 2023. It was in support of affordable housing inclusionary zoning. (photo by Patricia Hobbs)

    Photo of the Week #4

    #uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ and staff’s lives. The Rev. Cheryl Leshay, Community Minister, reads on a Kindle. She recommends “Call for a Blanket Dance.” She says “I loved this book that was set in Oklahoma at the same time I grew up there. It was by a native author and gave me a window into the world I was kept from. My sister and I were reading it simultaneously and did not know it until we recommended it to each other!” The second book she recommends is “The Lincoln Highway;” she enjoyed it so much she could not put it down. “My go to when I’m stuck inside “resting” and need to raise my spirits is the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series. I enjoy the venture into familiar characters and it makes me want to visit Botswana.” (Composite photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to April 12, 2003 and the Women’s Runaway Weekend in Lee, MA. From left are Joan McGinn and Susan Crossley.

    Photo of the Week #6

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to this undated photo of Bruce Plummer, left, and John Patterson.
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  • Photos of the Week for April 11, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    Posing with the Easter Bunny on April 9, 2023 are, clockwise from upper left, Beckley Schowalter, Charlie Payson and Caroline Jaehnig, Robin Mitzcavitch, and Matt Johnsen. (photos by Maya Desai)

    Photo of the Week #2

    The ‘Story for All Ages’ on this April 9, 2023 Easter Sunday featured double bunnies. At left is the Rev. Aaron Payson, at right is Jenny DelGizzi. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    Guest Musician Jim Scott leads the choir in the Choral Introit “Arise, Arise” on April 9, 2023. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    Two of the approximately dozen attendees at the April 5, 2023 ‘Lunch With The Minister’ were Sue Hegedus, left, and Paul Marr. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    The Rev. Aaron Payson holds Gabriel at the Maundy Thursday service on April 6, 2023. (photo by Dianne Mann)

    Photo of the Week #6

    This undated photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to Ferry Beach and Janet and Margos Stone.

    Photo of the Week #7

    This undated photo from the UUCW archives shows us from left, Nancy Hancock, Steve Siter and Ansley Siter.
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  • Photos of the Week for April 4, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    The Rev. Aaron Payson, left, presents Dr. Anthony B. Pinn with the 2023 Wolfson Award during the service on April 2, 2023. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Guest usher Bill Forbes, of the Greater Worcester Humanists, passes the plate during the service on April 2, 2023. Fun fact: Bill is a former Moderator at our church. (We currently use the term President). (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    Helen Wolfson delivers Wolfson Family Remarks during the service on April 2, 2023. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    #uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ and staff’s lives. March was Women’s History Month and Joan McGinn, who coordinated the WHM events for UUCW, says “one out-of-print book that I find myself returning to is Anita Spenser’s Seasons: Ages and Stages in Women’s Development. “Spenser likens stages of emotional maturity and spiritual development to the seasons of the years, culminating in Winter, with the fruition of all your relationships and endeavors. Spencer’s notion of mature spirituality is rooted in Carol Gillian’s idea that most women invest in emotional relationships as their primary task in life. She also says that women who have taken care and nourished their close relationships throughout earlier seasons in their lives should arrive in the latest stages of Winter as fully actualized humans and fulfilled people. “My experience in this mid-Winter time of my life tells me that this is essentially true for me and most of my friends.”

    Photo of the Week #5

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to this undated photo of the Simple Living Group doing yard work. From left, they are Judy Savage, Kim McCoy, Jude Ayer, Mara Pentlarge, Kate O’Dell and Paul Kelley.

    Photo of the Week #6

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to this undated photo of the play “Charlotte’s Web.” This production was directed by Deb Bonneau, who was also accompanist. Ryan, left, played Mr. Zuckerman. The Rev. Aaron Payson played Lurvy, Mr. Zuckerman’s farm hand. Ryan was somewhat shy, so Rev. Payson was basically picking him up by his overalls, and feeding him his lines. Word has it that it was very funny. (photo by Judy Savage)
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  • Photos of the Week for March 28, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    Simon, left, and Sarah presented their Reflections on the theme “Overcoming’ during the Youth Group service on March 26, 2023. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    George sings and play ukulele to the Bill Withers song “Lean On Me” during the Youth Group service on March 26, 2023. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    John Odell paints in a new line on the visual symbolizing our pledge drive on March 26, 2023. John was helping his wife, Nancy Baffa, who is a member of the Stewardship Committee. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    On March 21, 2023, from left, Kim McCoy, Beth Posner-Waldron, Mara Pentlarge and Carole Howe were part of an assembly that rallied outside Bank of America on West Boylston Street in Worcester then walked to Chase Bank around the corner.

    Photo of the Week #5

    #uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ and staff’s lives. ***WHAT THE BOARD IS READING*** The book ‘Blink’, by Malcolm Gladwell, is a book Board of Management member Sue Neaz picked at a holiday book swap and decided to keep it because of the subtitle ‘The Power of Thinking Without Thinking’. “In histories Malcolm shares, he outlines a practice called ‘thin-slicing’, the gathering of just a few seconds of information from an encounter with a person or situation. This, he shows, produces enough information to make decisions as much as researching a subject or getting to know someone extensively can provide. It’s actually inspirational to me because I feel like I should accept my understanding of people or situations by knowing just a little.” (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #6

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to May of 2003 when Tom Pierce set plants into the Peace Pole garden. (photo by Judy Savage)

    Photo of the Week #7

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to May 10, 2009 and a class photo. Front row, from left, are Kristi Chadwick, Cheyanne, Alanna and Jessica. Back row, from left, are Josh, Rachel Keyo and Conrad. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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  • Photos of the Week for March 21, 2023

    Photo of the Week #1

    The Prelude on March 19, 2023 was a dance, led by Moira Rouse, to the song “All Will Be Well.” (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    The All Church Potluck Dinner was held on March 18, 2023. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    Folks who have participated in the Get Out the Vote campaign sport their new Good Trouble Congregation pins at the All Church Potluck Dinner on March 18, 2023. The pin is inset lower right. (photo by Evans Waldron)

    Photo of the Week #4

    On March 19, 2023 there was a Lessons of Loss field trip to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Green Hill Park. It was a really fabulous trip, despite the cold! There was a great talk from members of the Veteran’s Association, and the kids had some great questions. (photo by Jessie Trowbridge)

    Photo of the Week #5

    Joan McGinn portrayed Mother Jones during the Women’s History Month Moment in the service on March 19, 2023. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #6

    Committee member Nancy Baffa announces that we’re about midway through the Stewardship Campaign, and gestures towards the visual on the wall inspired by the 8th principle chalice. This happened during the service on March 19, 2023; Nancy put together the visual. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #7

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to June 10, 2007 when the children and youth sang “De Colores.” It was the culmination of a 4-week Religious Education intersession on the Heifer Project. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #8

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to 2011 and the Coming of Age Ceremony when Samantha McDonald, left, and her mentee Gillian lit a candle. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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