• Photos of the Week for November 9, 2021

    Photo of the Week #1

    Coraline plays Minuet #3 by J. S. Bach, the Introit on November 14, 2021. (all photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    From left, Beth Posner-Waldron, Susan Leslie (UUA Coalitions and Partnerships Organizer) and Mara Pentlarge participate in a rally in Lincoln Square on November 12, 2021. It was the ‘Freedom to Vote: The Time is Now’ rally to urge the Senate to act swiftly to pass robust national standards for federal elections.

    Photo of the Week #3

    From left, Anya collects a Thanksgiving food donation from Peg Gifford at the beginning of the service on November 14, 2021.

    Photo of the Week #4

    The 8th Principle Taskforce held a Zoom Summit on Nov. 14, 2021 where they asked a representative from every active UUCW group join to reflect on our commitment to racial justice and make commitments to continue to advance our journey.

    Photo of the Week #5

    In this photo from the UUCW archives, guest musician Carrick acknowledges the congregation on June 3, 2018 after the Rev. Aaron Payson announced that the teen would be attending Berklee College of Music.

    Photo of the Week #6

    In this photo from the UUCW archives, we go back to June 19, 2005 and the Walter Irvine Celebration. Walter was presented a gift of a Tibetan Singing Bowl, which was donated to the church in his name. He is shown here striking the bowl for the first time; the congregation rose in a standing ovation when this happened. Choir members, from left, are Karen Tobin, Vickie Cox-Lanyon, Russ Kay, June Davenport Steve Jasperson Ann Jasperson, Carlton Davenport, Claire Breyton, Polly Bluemel and Elise Kreiger.
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  • Photos of the Week for November 9, 2021

    Photo of the Week #1

    From left, Birgit Patterson, her daughter Nancy Hancock and David Fields chat before Lunch With The Minister begins on Nov. 3, 2021. Next month’s LWTM will be held on Dec. 15, 2021 at 12 noon, a different date than the regular schedule. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    What’s a Sunday service without a spontaneous dance to ‘Time Warp’ from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, the Postlude of the service on Nov. 7, 2021? From left, are Sheri Linn, Kate Sweetser, the Rev. Cheryl Leshay, Mikaila Turner-Clarke and Kim Napoleone, dancing on the chancel. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    Children in the Religious Exploration program process through the sanctuary during the service on Nov. 7, 2021. Their lesson was on nonviolence and protesting peacefully; they carry signs they made showing “what they stand for.” (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    Members of the Garden-On Team have begun harvesting seeds; here, Carole Howe holds some Showy Goldenrod on Nov. 7, 2021. The seeds will either be put in the Little Free Library for anyone to take, or planted in flats to overwinter before being planted in our gardens next year. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to June 10, 2007 when Jane Dutton, left, and others joined hands and sang during Religious Education Sunday. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #6

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to some 1999 Board of Management members – Libby Westie and Carlton Davenport.
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  • Photos of the Week for November 2, 2021

    Photo of the Week #1

    Our Little Free Library was dedicated on Oct. 31, 2021 in memory of Rita Pierce, an avid reader and volunteer teacher in the Religious Exploration program. Posing at the Grand Opening are, from left, the Rev. Aaron Payson, David and Ann Pierce, Bart Hill, Tom Pierce and Religious Exploration Director Robin Mitzcavitch. Tom’s relatives, Ann and David, came from Ballston Lake, NY to participate in the ceremony. Bart designed and built the structure, which the COA youth painted. The library was funded by a donation from Tom in memory of his wife Rita. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Bart Hill affixes a name plate honoring Rita Pierce while her husband Tom looks on at the Oct. 31, 2021 dedication of the Little Free Library. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    errrr….heads up! Coraline “carries her head in her hands” as she participates in the Halloween parade during the service on Oct. 31, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    When the Spirit Says Dance, witches dance, of course! Right, Sue Neaz? (who is busting a move with her broom during the service on Oct. 31, 2021) (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    Yep, this is what you get when the Sunday service falls on Halloween. From left, Maya Desai and Vickie Cox-Lanyon walk up the aisle to take up the Offertory in costume on October 31, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #6

    Yep, and this is what you ALSO get when the Minister’s birthday falls on a Sunday – offertory plates with a Happy Birthday balloon attached. Happy Birthday, Rev. Payson! (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #7

    Yes, you can indeed turn the office of the Greater Worcester Unitarian Universalist Campus Ministries into a photo studio and use a tablecloth draped over an embroidery frame as a photo backdrop. Here, the Rev. Cheryl Leshay puts an item in place on Oct. 29, 2021 during a photo shoot for the auction catalog. This online auction will run Nov. 27 – Dec. 4. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #8

    From left, Evan Wilson and Beth Posner-Waldron joined Worcester Interfaith for Get Out The Vote door knocking on Saturday, October 30, 2021 despite the rain! They knocked on 40 doors to speak with registered voters or leave information. Municipal elections are Tuesday, November 2nd and the election will shape local schools and how COVID recovery funds are spent. Make a plan to get to the polls and exercise your civic duty! (photo by Evan Wilson)

    Photo of the Week #9

    Remember the Asian Longhorned Beetle? Well this photo from the UUCW archives takes us to October 25, 2008 when Annie dressed as the ALB for the Halloween Haunted House. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #10

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to February 26, 2017 when Music Director Matt Johnsen made a thank you gesture to the choir at the end of the Music Sunday service. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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  • Photos of the Week for October 26, 2021

    Photo of the Week #1

    An intergenerational choir sings “Quiet Holy Place,” the Choral Introit for the service on Oct. 24, 2021. From left, they are Linda Orcutt, Rachel Wagner, Samantha (holding “Batman,” a wolf stuffed animal), Ken Bayse, Moira Rouse and Kim McCoy. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Bart Hill, left, and Mike Mitzcavitch pose after constructing the Little Free Library at the front of the church on Oct. 21, 2021. (photo by Linda Morse)

    Photo of the Week #3

    The Rev. Aaron Payson, left, addresses the attendees at the Special Congregational meeting on Oct. 24, 320231. Board President Sheri Linn looks on from the pulpit. Votes were taken on the gift of land across the street as well as the change of address. Both items passed. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    #uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ lives. Here, Religious Exploration Director Robin Mitzcavitch holds a favorite book, “Stitchin’ and Pullin’ : A Gee’s Bend Quilt“ by Patricia C. McKissack. Robin did a whole year on racial justice in 2020-21 and incorporated this book. It used quilting to tell the history of the people and the town of Gee’s Bend, Alabama. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    This newspaper clipping from the UUCW archives takes us back to Sept. 22, 1973 and an ad for the church.

    Photo of the Week #6

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to March 15, 1992 when John Patterson, left, and Andy Hegedus chatted at the installation of Rev. Elizabeth Espenshade as pastor of UUCW.
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  • Photos of the Week for October 19, 2021

    Photo of the Week #1

    Maya Desai and Dianne Mann, not shown, passed the plate for the collection during the Sunday service on October 17, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Bart Hill poses on posts he’s just set on Oct. 15, 2021. They are the foundation for our Little Free Library, which he also built. Mike Mitzcavitch helped Bart set the posts, which are at the front of the church property on Shore Drive. The library will be dedicated on October 31, 2021. (photo by Mike Mitzcavitch)

    Photo of the Week #3

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to February 2, 2018 when from left, Matt Bejune and George made an announcement for an upcoming Game Night. The Rev. Aaron Payson looks on. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to Ferry Beach circa 2001-2003, with Connor, left, and Drew playing in the sand. (photo by Judy Savage)
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  • Photos of the Week for October 12, 2021

    Photo of the Week #1

    From left, the Rev. Cheryl Leshay and her sister, Melinda Stewart, sing the “Cherokee Morning Song,” the Introit of the October 10, 2021 service. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    From left, Joe Ruivo, Dianne Mann, Bruce Leshay, the Rev. Cheryl Leshay, Barry Brigham and Moira Rouse dance to the song “Let it be a Dance,” the closing hymn of the October 10, 2021 service. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    From left, Beth Posner-Waldron, Ruth Silver, Carole Howe, Kate Sweetser and Vickie Cox-Lanyon discuss writing postcards on October 6, 2021 for the Get Out The Vote Campaign. The effort was organized by Vickie and Beth.

    Photo of the Week #4

    The High School Youth group and their adult advisors pose on October 9, 2021 during a shopping trip to buy food to cook for the Interfaith Hospitality Network Family Shelter. (photo by Maya Desai)

    Photo of the Week #5

    In this photo from the UUCW archives, the Breakfast Crew poses at Ferry Beach circa 1995. They are, back row from left, Liz Rotti and Betty Jenewin. Front row from left are Mary Bastian, Susan Nest and Marty Flint, who is a professional chef. (photo by Judy Savage)

    Photo of the Week #6

    In this photo from the UUCW archives, Pamela Tiger, right, gives instructions for dancing the Maypole at the conclusion of the Beltane service on May 1, 2016. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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  • Photos of the Week for October 5, 2021

    Photo of the Week #1

    The Rev. David Miller, Minister Emeritus, delivers the Reflection “Four Questions to Ask Yourself” during the service on October 3, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    COA mentors and mentees stand on the Chancel for COA introductions during the service on Sept. 26, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    From left, Desi, Eve and Sandy Stutsman, Rhane Lenahan, Mason, Laura Lenahan, Andrea Cruz, Victor and Wiliam Cruz participate in the Child Dedication Ceremony during the service on Sept. 26, 2021. Desi is 13 months, Mason is 11 months and Victor is 1 year old. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    Jessie Gildea Trowbridge, fourth from left, leads a discussion after service on Sept. 26, 2021 on choosing a different name for the church. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    Halo, left, and Leo paint the Little Free Library yellow after the service on Sept. 26, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #6

    From left, Mara Pentlarge, Susan Crossley and Beth Posner-Waldron participate in a Climate Strike at Worcester City Hall on Oct. 1, 2021. Through ‘Friday’s for Future,’ and called ‘Uproot the System,’ it was sponsored by Sunrise Worcester, 350 Central Mass and Mothers Out Front. (photo by Libby Westie)

    Photo of the Week #7

    In this photo from the UUCW archives, the Sunday service on February 10, 2008 was when both Stan Selkow, left, and the Rev. Aaron Payson briefly wore a tiara. To Stan’s right are Max and Andrew, both eschewing a similarly distinctive headpiece. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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  • Photos of the Week for September 28, 2021

    Photo of the Week #1

    Mara Pentlarge shows her wares at the Flea Market on Sept. 25, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Linda Morse, host of the Mobile Farmer’s Market when it stops at UUCW on Thursdays from 11 AM – 12 noon, is shown at the market on September 23, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    From left, Mason looks on as the Rev. Aaron Payson anoints him at his Child Dedication Ceremony on Sept. 26, 2021. At right are his mom Rhane Lenahan, his grandmother Laura Lenahan and Wiliam Cruz. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    In this photo from the UUCW archives, estimated to have been taken between 2001-2003, people line up at Ferry Beach before dashing into the water. (photo by Judy Savage)

    Photo of the Week #5

    In this August 23, 2014 photo from the UUCW archives, Sharon Templeman, left, describes her needlework as her daughter, Kim Napoleone, displays it for those in attendance at “A Summer Art Service.” (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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  • Photos of the Week for September 21, 2021

    All photos this week taken by Betty Jenewin.

    Photo of the Week #1

    Karen Stephenson encourages the congregation to join her in saying “GWUUCM,” the acronym for “Greater Worcester Unitarian Universalist Campus Ministries” during the service on Sept. 19, 2021. It was Rally Day Sunday and Karen and others spoke about the variety of ways that this congregation lives out its mission and ministries through work on committees and teams at the church.

    Photo of the Week #2

    Evan Wilson, left, and Nancy Hancock spoke on Rally Day Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021. Evan spoke about the Side With Love Committee; Nancy spoke about Lunch With the Minister and the UU Book Club.

    Photo of the Week #3

    Dave Schowalter, left, and Maya Desai talk about the Women’s Group and the Men’s Group respectively on Rally Day Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021, joking that they’d gotten their phones mixed up.Dave Schowalter, left, and Maya Desai talk about the Women’s Group and the Men’s Group respectively, joking that they’d gotten their phones mixed up.

    Photo of the Week #4

    The UUCW Board held their monthly meeting on Sept. 13, 2021.

    Photo of the Week #5

    Happy birthday, Food Pantry! Food Pantry Board of Directors members, from left, Betsy Wood, Marilyn Raymond and Denise Darrigrand pose on September 18, 2021, the 26th anniversary of the Food Pantry. They each hold $25 gift cards, which will be distributed to guests in honor of the anniversary. Not present for the photo was fellow Board of Directors member Linda Morse.

    Photo of the Week #6

    Volunteers David Fields, left, and Evans Waldron shop for squash for UUCW’s Food Pantry at the Worcester County Food Bank’s warehouse on Sept. 17, 2021. UUCW picked up 2,207 pounds of food for distribution the following day.

    Photo of the Week #7

    From left, Evans Waldron hands a case of chicken soup to Brian Keyo at the Worcester County Food Bank’s warehouse on Sept. 17, 2021. UUCW rents a UHaul once a month to transport the food from the Food Bank to church. Brian drives it.

    Photo of the Week #8

    From left, David Fields, Evans Waldron and Denise Darrigrand are shown at the Worcester County Food Bank’s warehouse on Sept. 17, 2021. Waldron and Darrigrand are loading food onto a belt to be weighed.

    Photo of the Week #9

    Youth in the COA class pose with their mentors and supervising adults as they assemble to go out to Concord for a canoe trip on Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021.
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  • Photo of the Week for September 14, 2021

    Photo of the Week #1

    Joe Ruivo dusts the underside of the pews on Sept. 11, 2021, Church Work Day. Joe and others washed, scrubbed, swept, vacuumed, dusted and polished to get the church ready for the first service of the 2021-22 church year on the following day. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    How’d they do that? To get the first image in this slideshow, Betty Jenewin lay on the floor and pointed her camera at Joe Ruivo at the back of the church dusting the bottom of the pews. Betty used a mid-range telephoto lens (115mm) to make the pew legs look compressed. (photo by Robin Mitzcavitch)

    Photo of the Week #3

    Vickie Cox-Lanyon dusts and polishes the pews during Church Work Day, Sept. 11, 2021. Vickie organized the volunteer work crews for the day. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    Pauline Courchesne sweeps Fellowship Hall during Church Work Day, Sept. 11, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    Kim McCoy works on a cabinet door in Fellowship Hall during Church Work Day, Sept. 11, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #6

    Russell washes toys from the nursery on Church Work Day, Sept. 11, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #7

    Youth in the COA class pose with their mentors and supervising adults as they assemble to go out to Concord for a canoe trip on Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #8

    From left, Desi, Eve Stutsman, Victor and Andrea Cruz interact in the foyer on Sept. 12, 2021. (photo by Dianne Mann)

    Photo of the Week #9

    Jessie Trowbridge, left, participates in the Ingathering Water Ceremony after the service on Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021. Board President Sheri Linn is at right. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #10

    The Rev. Aaron Payson, left, and Board President Sheri Linn, right, laugh as Jenn DelGizzi explains that she will be using her coffee as a symbolic representation of water during the Ingathering Water Ceremony after the service on Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #11

    Music Director Matt Johnsen plays a frame drum for the song “Mother I Feel You” at the conclusion of the Ingathering Water Ceremony after the service on Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021. Pauline Courchesne stands at left. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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