Category: Communications – title

Faith In Action – Get Out The Vote Team News

Last chance to make more GOOD TROUBLE! With one week before the midterm election, there’s still time to make a difference, fighting voter suppression and increasing voter participation.  The best way to do that after in-person canvassing, is by phonebanking. All of these are non-partisan and provide training over zoom. Make calls to BIPOC communities … Continue reading Faith In Action – Get Out The Vote Team News

Social Threads Quilting and Sewing Community – Friday, November 4, 2022

EXCITING NEWS!!  We’ve added a Friday per month  (in addition to our Sundays) to join in and get your creative juices flowing!  The first Friday is coming up soon on November 4th from 11-3pm!!  Gatherings happen approximately every two weeks in Fellowship Hall.  We have a lovely group of people!  Contact us at for more … Continue reading Social Threads Quilting and Sewing Community – Friday, November 4, 2022

UUCW Men’s Group Meeting – Friday October 28, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

The next Men’s Group Meeting, will be Friday, Oct, 28 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. All those who consider themselves male are welcome. The Men’s Group is a community of Men that help and support each other. The meetings are confidential and are an opportunity for men to share their thoughts and opinions in a respectful conversation. At the meeting we will continue, talking about the 8th Principle that … Continue reading UUCW Men’s Group Meeting – Friday October 28, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

What is Stewardship?

Now that we are settling into the 2022-2023 school and church year (is there such a thing as settling in?!), The Stewardship Team would like to wrap up October with a combination of explanations and reminders about UUCW’s most important financial activity. Are you new to UUCW?  What is pledging?   A pledge is a promise … Continue reading What is Stewardship?

Faith In Action – Get Out The Vote Team News

Let’s make some more GOOD TROUBLE! With two weeks before the midterm election, let’s put our efforts towards increasing voter participation.  The best way to do that after in-person canvassing, is by phonebanking. All of these are non-partisan and provide training over zoom. Make calls to BIPOC communities with Center for Common Ground using their … Continue reading Faith In Action – Get Out The Vote Team News

Garden-On Team News – Looking for Cardboard Donations

 We Need Cardboard for our Gardens! Would you like to find a worthy home for all your empty cardboard boxes? If so, please flatten them and remove all sealing tape and/or staples. There will be a green barrel by the Sanctuary door to place them in. Many thanks!