Category: Communications – title

UUCW Holiday Emergency Fund Drive 2022

In 2021 UUCW contributed $4643.00 to assist families in need in our congregation and community. This money helped pay for homelessness outreach, food, medicine, temporary shelter, utilities, holiday gifts, and transportation. Funds were collected from members and friends of the congregation as well as other communities who partnered with us to provide this outreach. During … Continue reading UUCW Holiday Emergency Fund Drive 2022

Annual Holiday Giving Tree

Our Giving Tree will be up on November 27th and we ask you to help us decorate it with new or gently used hats, gloves, mittens, scarves (and even new adult warm socks!!) We will give out these items at our Food Pantry Distribution and public park “drops”.   If you have coats or other larger wintery items … Continue reading Annual Holiday Giving Tree

Winter Lights

Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration What I love about the winter holidays are the glorious lights used around the world to celebrate the season. In times long ago, without the light, darkness and fear could prevail. The yule log was illuminated to match the stars. The warmth, ritual, words spoken and songs sung filled … Continue reading Winter Lights

2022 Holiday Shoe Box Project to benefit African Community Education of Worcester Update

As of Sunday, Nov. 27, people have signed on to fill shoe boxes with gifts for 67 students.  Is there anyone out there who would like to help out with buying gifts for the last three kids not yet chosen?  The 3 boys are 13, 14 and 16. Drop-off dates in Fellowship Hall are Dec. … Continue reading 2022 Holiday Shoe Box Project to benefit African Community Education of Worcester Update

Joys & Sorrows – MealTrain for Pentlarge Family

We will be having a MealTrain for Mara Pentlarge’s Family to help them through this difficult time with the loss of their beloved Ed Radik— husband, father, friend.. If you would like to make an offering in this regard, please let Pastoral Care know of your interest by contacting- Thank you so much. Pastoral … Continue reading Joys & Sorrows – MealTrain for Pentlarge Family