Category: Communications – title

Seeking Vacationers, Volunteers, and Staff for Summer 2023 in NH

World Fellowship Center (WFC) is a secular, unaffiliated camp and conference center offering summer hospitality, educational social justice workshops and lectures, outdoor recreation and creative opportunities for all ages near the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire. Catherine Roberts is volunteering to help WFC staff up for the summer season ($15/hour + room/board) — please … Continue reading Seeking Vacationers, Volunteers, and Staff for Summer 2023 in NH

Greater Worcester Humanists – Tuesday, March 14, 7 PM, Online and In-Person – The Future of Greater Worcester Humanists

Due to the difficulties imposed by the pandemic and our lack of success in filling several key leadership positions, Greater Worcester Humanists is at a critical juncture in its 19-year history. The March meeting will consist of an open discussion, led by GWH Treasurer David Fields, about the future of the organization. What would it … Continue reading Greater Worcester Humanists – Tuesday, March 14, 7 PM, Online and In-Person – The Future of Greater Worcester Humanists

UUCW Book Club- March 15, 7 – 8:30 PM

Wednesday, March 15th at 7PM in Fellowship Hall we will discuss Sea of Glory:  America’s Voyage of Discovery, the U.S. Exploring Expedition 1838-1842 by Nathanial Philbrick – Draws on journal entries to recount the epic journey of Charles Darwin which led to the discovery of Antarctica and brought America international renown. You’re welcome if you haven’t … Continue reading UUCW Book Club- March 15, 7 – 8:30 PM

All-Church Potluck Dinner – Saturday, March 18, 5:30 pm

Potluck dinners are back! Warm welcome to newcomers and those who have been on Covid-hiatus and are ready to come back and see people in three-dimensions. If you know someone who is curious – extend this invitation to them! Please CLICK HERE to sign up! Questions? 

UUCW Men’s Group Survey

The UUCW Men’s Group is making plans for the remainder of the FY2023 Church year and looking forward to the summer and fall seasons. As a part of the planning process, members have created a survey and encourage all of those who identify as male in the congregation to share their thoughts and ideas about … Continue reading UUCW Men’s Group Survey

Why You Come to Church

Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration & Education Have you ever tried to explain to someone in your “outside of church” circles the reasons why you attend church at UUCW?  There have been discussions about UU “elevator” speeches. How would you describe Unitarian Universalism to someone during a short elevator ride? I feel like this … Continue reading Why You Come to Church

Reflecting on the 8th Principle and Opportunities for Growth

Evan Wilson, 8th Principle Task Force At the end of January, Paula Cole Jones joined us over zoom to lead a workshop. She offered insights and led reflection on the 8th principle, which is shared below: We covenant to affirm and promote journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community … Continue reading Reflecting on the 8th Principle and Opportunities for Growth