Category: Communications – title

On Delight

by Rev. Aaron Payson There is a Zen tale that goes something like this. One day while walking through the wilderness a man stumbled upon a vicious tiger. He ran but soon came to the edge of a high cliff. Desperate to save himself, he climbed down a vine and dangled over the fatal precipice. … Continue reading On Delight

Garden-On Team News – Help Us with the Church Gardens after the Church Picnic! Sunday, June 11

You are invited to join us Sunday, June 11th, right after the church picnic from 1-6. We recently were awarded a grant allowing us to purchase hundreds of plants from Garden in the Woods in Framingham. Yay!  Now we need help planting them!  To prepare the area for planting, first we need to remove some … Continue reading Garden-On Team News – Help Us with the Church Gardens after the Church Picnic! Sunday, June 11

Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development – Spirit of Life Workshops – Sunday, June 11, 7 pm – Blow in the Wind, Rise in the Sea – Spirit and Nature

On Sunday, June 11, at 7 pm online, the Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development Program will continue exploring the workshop series Spirit of Life. In this session, we will explore the relationship between spirituality and nature. To join the discussion please register HERE.  For more information about this program please contact .