Category: Communications – title

Peace Quilt made by Social Threads to be raffled by World Fellowship Center

The Peace Quilt lovingly donated by our own UUCW Social Threads group is being raffled off on September 3, 2023 by the World Fellowship Center, a peace and justice retreat center just outside of Conway, NH.  Tickets are $10 each.  To buy a ticket, email Catherine at cat at worldfellowship dot org with this info: … Continue reading Peace Quilt made by Social Threads to be raffled by World Fellowship Center

Parties and Passages and Religious Exploration for All

by Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration The Religious Exploration Team and I do a planning retreat every year, over 6 months before the new program year begins.  We all bring our unique vision, interests, humor, and talents. We combine them with my training and experiences with the UUA and with fellow religious professionals…. and … Continue reading Parties and Passages and Religious Exploration for All

Flower Communion – A Centennial Celebration – Sunday, June 18, 2023

Join us on Sunday, June 18, 2023, for a special celebration of the 100 Anniversary of the Flower Communion Service. Bring flowers to share as part of the communion or simply come and enjoy this distinctly Unitarian Universalist ritual. The Flower Communion will be part of the special Father’s Day/New Member Sunday service beginning at … Continue reading Flower Communion – A Centennial Celebration – Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development – Spirit of Life Workshops – Sunday, June 18, 7 pm – Move in the Hand: Living Our Spirituality in our Day-to-Day Lives

On Sunday, June 18, at 7 pm online, the Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development Program will continue exploring the workshop series Spirit of Life. In this session, we will explore the relationship between spirituality and our day-to-day lives. This workshop helps participants connect with the sacred in everyday living. Participants will experience ways they can bring … Continue reading Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development – Spirit of Life Workshops – Sunday, June 18, 7 pm – Move in the Hand: Living Our Spirituality in our Day-to-Day Lives