Category: Communications – title

Calling All Fiber Folk!

If you knit, crochet, cross-stitch, embroidery, hand sew, etc. we invite you to join the Fiber Arts Group.  We meet every Wednesday evening, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in Fellowship Hall.  So bring the fibers that make you happy and come join us.  For more information, contact:  Dianne Mann at djmann at charter dot net.

On Trust

by Rev, Aaron Payson This month’s Soul Matter’s Theme is Trust.  In honor of this and given the current climate in which we live, the following story seems most apropos.  Wisdom Story: The Story of the Broken Pot(Authored by Soul Matters Director of RE Resources, April Rosario. Inspired by the tradition of Kintsugi and “golden … Continue reading On Trust

Social Threads Quilting and Sewing Community – Sunday March 9, 1 – 5 pm

Sunday March 9th – Let’s join for a fun day of sewing, creating, and fellowship. We meet from 1-5 in Fellowship Hall.  All are welcome!! Do you have some questions? Contact us at !

Seeking Refugee Housing

We are seeking housing for a single Afghan refugee woman, and also for an Afghan refugee family of four (four adult siblings).  Do you have a single room with some privacy and access to a bathroom (starting April 1), OR do you have or know of a three-bedroom apartment (starting in April or May)?  Do … Continue reading Seeking Refugee Housing