Category: Communications – title

Social Threads Quilting and Sewing Community – Sunday, February 4, 1:30 – 5:30 pm

We hope to see all folks interested in a creative space for quilting, sewing, and any other pursuit of your artistic self here on Sunday, February 4th from 1:30-5:30pm! Do you have some questions? Contact us at !

Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development – February 4, 7 PM, Online

We continue our Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development Program for the 2023-2024 season online this Sunday, February 4, 2024, beginning @ 7 pm, continuing with the 2nd session of a NEW 10-part series on Ethics and Unitarian Universalism entitled “What We Choose.” This week’s session will explore “Unchanging Truths” within our tradition. Please CLICK HERE to … Continue reading Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development – February 4, 7 PM, Online

Winter Potpourri Sunday – February 4, 2024

What is Potpourri Sunday? Potpourri Sunday is an opportunity for those attending worship to engage each other in dialogue and conversation about programs and opportunities for service and social support throughout the church year. During the service participants are invited to attend any of several extended conversations instead of a reflection by the minister. Conversations … Continue reading Winter Potpourri Sunday – February 4, 2024

Goals For A New Year

by Melissa McKeon, Board of Management Each year, your board of management re-examines how we may best serve the interests of our church community, our staff and the many, many volunteers who keep the wheels turning here at UUCW. As 2024 commences, these are the goals your board is pursuing and the questions we hope … Continue reading Goals For A New Year

Join us for Kindred Conversations – January 10 & 24, 10:30 am

Kindred Conversations is a very nice group of adults who meet bi-weekly on Wednesday mornings from 10:30-noon for theme-based discussions and sharing. I’m looking forward to the New Year and seeing you on January 10th and January 24rd.  The theme for January is: Love. Questions – Contact Robin at

Connecting to Stillness

by Laura K. Secor Hello my friends, It is snowing.  Because it is January in New England, this makes perfect sense.  My brother lives in Hawaii, where every day is 72 degrees and sunny with a light breeze.  Isn’t that strange?  Sometimes I get on a plane in February and go from New England snow … Continue reading Connecting to Stillness