Category: Communications – title

Social Threads Quilting and Sewing Community – Sunday October 6, 1 – 5 pm

Social Threads Quilting and Sewing Community meets this Sunday, October 6th from 1-5pm.  All are welcome to come and create in whatever way that speaks to you! Do you have some questions? Contact us at !

GOtV News – Make Good Trouble with Phone Banking on October 2nd

If your handwriting is not good enough for letter-writing, we have something else you can do to make a difference in the upcoming General Election.  Join us in making phone calls to Black voters to help them navigate the racially motivated voter suppression rules. This is a non-partisan event in partnership with the Center for … Continue reading GOtV News – Make Good Trouble with Phone Banking on October 2nd

Lunch With the Minister, Wednesday October 2, @ Noon in the Lounge

 Lunch with the Minister is back!  First lunch starts at noon on Wednesday, October 2nd.  It’s a time to socialize with Aaron and bring  topics for discussion by the group as a whole.  Relax for an hour with friendly faces. Unless noted ahead of time, you bring your sandwich, we provide drinks and dessert (or … Continue reading Lunch With the Minister, Wednesday October 2, @ Noon in the Lounge

Itemizing your UUCW Donations for Massachusetts Taxes

by David Schowalter, Stewardship Team Welcome back from summer, everyone, and welcome to the Stewardship Team’s frank and open nuggets about pledging and financial support of UUCW! In Massachusetts, taxpayers typically have two options when filing their state taxes: taking the standard deduction or itemizing deductions. Starting in 2023, however, residents have been able to … Continue reading Itemizing your UUCW Donations for Massachusetts Taxes

A Nugget from the Buildings and Grounds Working Group

by Cristina Heffernan Hey there, awesome UUCW community! 👋 We have some super exciting updates about our building and grounds! Building Makeover Magic ✨ Tech-tastic Upgrades 💻 Contact the Sexton 😄 Use this form if you want to let our sexton, Dee Hudson, know about  Thanks for being a part of our amazing community! Together, … Continue reading A Nugget from the Buildings and Grounds Working Group

Note From the Minister

Thank you all for the wonderful celebration last Sunday.  It was indeed a surprise and I am so honored to have shared this day with you all.  I want to thank those who helped to make the celebration possible.  The balloons, cards, gifts, and cake all brought immense joy.  The proclamation from Worcester Mayor Joe … Continue reading Note From the Minister