Category: Communications – title

UUCW Get Out The Vote Team News -April 16, 2024 – Letter Writing Event on Sunday, April 21 during Coffee Hour

Please join us for letter writing with Vote Forward If you aren’t able to do letters with us on Sunday, we’ll have instructions for how you can do your own at home.  Donations of letter-sized envelopes, copy paper, 1st class stamps (no dogs or flags) or financial contributions are always welcome.  You can also donate money … Continue reading UUCW Get Out The Vote Team News -April 16, 2024 – Letter Writing Event on Sunday, April 21 during Coffee Hour

Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development – April 21, 7 PM, Online

We continue our Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development Program for the 2023-2024 season online on Sunday, April 21, 2024, beginning @ 7 pm, continuing our discussion of the 8th session of a NEW 10-part series on Ethics and Unitarian Universalism entitled “What We Choose.” This week’s session will explore “Understanding Ethics from the Margins” within our … Continue reading Sunday Evening Adult Faith Development – April 21, 7 PM, Online

Coming of Age and Channing

by Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration This past Sunday was William Ellery Channing’s birthday, and it was also our Coming of Age class’s traditional pilgrimage to Boston for their self-led UU Boston History Tour.   Who is William Ellergy Channing and why do we care?  He was born April 7, 1780, Newport, Rhode Island —died … Continue reading Coming of Age and Channing

UUCW Book Group – “The Henna Artist” – April 10, 7 – 8:30 PM

The book group meets again on Wednesday, April 10th at 7 PM in Fellowship Hall.   We will discuss Alka Joshi’s “The Henna Artist.”    A talented henna artist finds her efforts to control her own destiny challenged by an abusive husband that she fled as a girl. You’re welcome if you haven’t finished the book, … Continue reading UUCW Book Group – “The Henna Artist” – April 10, 7 – 8:30 PM