Category: Communications – title

Lunch With the Minister, Wednesday May 8, @ Noon in the Lounge

Join us for our monthly Lunch with the Minister on Wednesday, May 8 at noon. (Note the date change from May 1 to May 8). Bring your lunch and enjoy a casual visit and conversation with Aaron and other UU friends in Fellowship Hall.  Beverages and place settings are provided.  Everyone is welcome to drop in. 

UUCW Book Group – “What Rose Forgot” – May 8, 7 – 8:30 PM

The book group meets again on Wednesday, May 8th at 7 PM in Fellowship Hall.   We will discuss Nevada Barr’s “What Rose Forgot.”    68-year old Rose wakes up in a nursing home memory unit.  She overhears someone say “she’s not making it through the week.” How did she get there and how can she survive? … Continue reading UUCW Book Group – “What Rose Forgot” – May 8, 7 – 8:30 PM

Greendale Ecumenical Group – Spring Study “Falling Upward” by Richard Rohr

The Greendale Ecumenical Group is beginning its Spring Study series which will explore the work of Richard Rohr and his book “Falling Upward”. The series will be online at 7 pm on Tuesday evenings beginning April 23rd and run for 5 weeks. A review from notes of Rphr’s work: For a link to the … Continue reading Greendale Ecumenical Group – Spring Study “Falling Upward” by Richard Rohr

On Pluralism and Plurality

by Rev. Aaron Payson This month’s Soul Matters Theme is “pluralism”. And interestingly enough the packet that comes with this month’s theme includes a short reflection that I published a number of years ago as I explored pluralism during one of the courses I took at Hartford Seminary. At this moment in our Association’s history, … Continue reading On Pluralism and Plurality