Category: Nugget

Let’s Focus on Kindness

As I prepare for our Religious Exploration program for this coming Sunday, I am choosing to continue our focus on kindness. Of course, the idea of kindness is peppered through every lesson that comes out of our Unitarian Universalist values, and at this time in history I want to ramp it up. Let me share … Continue reading Let’s Focus on Kindness

The Work of Citizenship

The Work of Citizenship by A.R. Payson  (in the style of Howard Thurman’s “The Work of Christmas”) When the last campaign ad has aired;When polling stations are closed and the count has been certified;When pundits and politicians have turned in for the nightAnd pollsters and political operatives are turning their thoughts to the next big … Continue reading The Work of Citizenship

Stewardship Nugget, October 2024 – A Brief Introduction to UUCW Finances

by David Schowalter & Moira Rouse, Stewardship Team The Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester is funded entirely by its members and friends.   A Pledge can be made by anyone, member or non-member. After you have made a pledge, a Pledge Statement will be emailed to you Quarterly by Margos Stone, UUCW’s Pledge Secretary.  This is … Continue reading Stewardship Nugget, October 2024 – A Brief Introduction to UUCW Finances

Itemizing your UUCW Donations for Massachusetts Taxes

by David Schowalter, Stewardship Team Welcome back from summer, everyone, and welcome to the Stewardship Team’s frank and open nuggets about pledging and financial support of UUCW! In Massachusetts, taxpayers typically have two options when filing their state taxes: taking the standard deduction or itemizing deductions. Starting in 2023, however, residents have been able to … Continue reading Itemizing your UUCW Donations for Massachusetts Taxes

A Nugget from the Buildings and Grounds Working Group

by Cristina Heffernan Hey there, awesome UUCW community! 👋 We have some super exciting updates about our building and grounds! Building Makeover Magic ✨ Tech-tastic Upgrades 💻 Contact the Sexton 😄 Use this form if you want to let our sexton, Dee Hudson, know about  Thanks for being a part of our amazing community! Together, … Continue reading A Nugget from the Buildings and Grounds Working Group

Thank You

by Rev. Aaron Payson Thank you.  Thank you for 25 years of ministry, of a quarter century journey with you through life’s trials and tribulations.  When Kristen and I arrived in the summer of 1999 with an 8mo old, two dogs and a cat, we were welcomed with open arms and held by you as … Continue reading Thank You

You’re Invited

by Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration Welcome back to the official church year! Behind the scenes, many have been busy inviting people to become a part of the community of activities at UUCW.  Yes, we need people, as all communities do, to get things done. I see the practice of invitation as an invitation … Continue reading You’re Invited