Category: Nugget

The Comfort of a Book

Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration & Education Settle in, get into that comfortable place, in your best chair or propped up on a pillow in bed.  Maybe you have a hot tea, or a hot chocolate by your side as you crack open the first page or turn on your electronic reader.  Settle in, … Continue reading The Comfort of a Book

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Rev. Aaron Payson As times of anticipation go, this has to be one for the record books.  As we await the arrival of vaccines, a new federal administration, and the prospect of returning to a renewed sense of normalcy, we arrive at this season of anticipation and celebration with many feelings: ambivalence, curiosity, hope, sorrow … Continue reading Tidings of Comfort and Joy

A Stewardship Testimonial

Jessie Trowbridge As a child growing up, my family did not belong to any organized church, and while all of my grandparents were involved in their own church communities, religious exploration was not a part of my experience growing up.  We found community in other ways – through creative pursuits, interests and activities, and work.  As … Continue reading A Stewardship Testimonial

Freedom Over Me

Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration and Education The election is “somewhat” over and many of us are feeling strange. I’m aware of my gut reaction, almost guilty to feel relief because of the realities that still exist. The fact is- there is a disparity in the numbers of people who still don’t want to … Continue reading Freedom Over Me

On Spirituality

Rev. Aaron Payson On Spirituality What do we mean when we talk about everyday spirituality? There are numerous definitions. “The spiritual life is, at root, a matter of seeing,” John Shea …reminds us. “It is all of life seen from a certain perspective. It is walking, sleeping, dreaming, eating, drinking, working, loving, relaxing, recreating, sitting, … Continue reading On Spirituality

Stewardship Update

David Schowalter, UUCW Stewardship Team Click the link to view UUCW Income, Operating Budget & Expenses: A Reminder About Digital Pledging & Offerings Last spring we heard concerns expressed by our Treasurer and Chair of our Investment Committee related to the economic realities surfacing during the pandemic. We have been deeply gratified and tremendously … Continue reading Stewardship Update

The Symphony of Life

Laura K. Secor Hello my UUCW friends, We are still in the pandemic.  How are you holding up?  I think for many of us, getting out into the fresh air has been an essential comfort in this difficult time.  I wonder how we will do when the weather turns.  In previous years, I have spent … Continue reading The Symphony of Life

On Emotional Intelligence

Rev. Aaron Payson Heaven & Hell: A Zen Parable   Long ago in Japan, a samurai—a warrior of those ancient times—went to visit a monk named Hakuin. The samurai was elaborately dressed in armor, and by his side swung a gleaming, sharp sword. He was a big, proud fellow, used to getting whatever he wanted. … Continue reading On Emotional Intelligence