Category: Nugget

So That We May Belong

from Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration & Education I have a history of not being a “joiner.” I grew up shy and unsure of where I fit in. I really had to be cajoled (usually by my closest friends) to get involved with something bigger than my small circle. When I finally took part, … Continue reading So That We May Belong

Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting – June 6, 2021

from Debbie Merrill, Clerk, Board of Management Notice of Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester Sunday June 6th, 2021, Following the Service on Zoom and In-Person Notice Pursuant to the by-laws of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester, the Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester (UUCW) will take place … Continue reading Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting – June 6, 2021

A Walk With Jaycie

by Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration & Education Spring is my favorite season. It’s Jaycie’s too. Within moments of arrival at my house, Jaycie says, “Come on-let’s take a walk.”  She’s almost four, and she brings so much joy to my husband and me. Sometimes we go back and forth over whether she really … Continue reading A Walk With Jaycie


by Rev. Aaron Payson There once was an old Chinese farmer who had one son and a horse. His wife had died many years ago when his son was a baby. The farm was quite small, but they grew enough food to get by. The farm was located in a valley north of the famous … Continue reading Acceptance


by Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration & Education I’ve been thinking a lot about this spring that’s upon us. I’m planning gardens, planning curriculum for our outdoor programming at UUCW, and appreciating the early blooming trees. I look at our new frontage at the church, so much potential for spring to appear on top … Continue reading Spring

On Mindfulness

by Rev. Aaron Payson One day, the Buddha and a large following of monks and nuns were passing through a village. The Buddha chose a large shade tree to sit beneath so the group could rest awhile out of the heat. For a time, he sat in meditation going deep into himself as he sought … Continue reading On Mindfulness