Category: Aaron’s Blog

Weekly Online Opportunities to Check-in & Chat – Tonight, Watch the Presidential Debates With Us!

Watch the First 2020 Presidential Debate Online With Us! On Tuesday, September 29 we will gather to watch the Presidential Debate via ZOOM followed by an opportunity for discussion.  The Debate begins at 9 pm.  Please join Aaron and others on the link for the Chat with the Minister below to participate in this evening … Continue reading Weekly Online Opportunities to Check-in & Chat – Tonight, Watch the Presidential Debates With Us!

April 2020 Moments of Meditation

Thursday, April 30, 2020 April 30, moment of meditation, reflection and prayer. “To make us see we are but flow’rs that glide.” Aaron Wednesday, April 29, 2020 April 29 moment of meditation, reflection and prayer. Sweet Hope, ethereal balm upon you shed, And wave thy silver pinions o’er your head. Aaron Please Click Here … Continue reading April 2020 Moments of Meditation

August 2020 Moments of Meditation From UUCW

Monday, August 31, 2020 August 31st moment of meditation, reflection, and prayer on International Overdose Awareness Day. Please join us for a Vigil of Memory & Hope this evening @6:30 PM online. Blessings, Aaron Sunday, August 30, 2020 August 30 moment of meditation, reflection, and prayer on the anniversary of Thurgood Marshall’s confirmation to … Continue reading August 2020 Moments of Meditation From UUCW

June 2020 Moments of Meditation From UUCW

Monday, June 8, 2020 June 8 moment of meditation, reflection and prayer on International Oceans Day. Aaron Sunday, June 7, 2020 June 7 moment of meditation, reflection and prayer. On National Animal Rights Day may we also experience “the emerging joy of our animal kin…” Aaron Please Click Here. Saturday, June 6, 2020 June … Continue reading June 2020 Moments of Meditation From UUCW

Ways to Help

People are wondering what they can do in these times. I know I do. How can I help? What can I do that is in line with my values, my financial situation, my desire to stay home yet still help? Here are some places to start: Start Here at Home – at UUCWDon’t forget to … Continue reading Ways to Help

Health & Safety News at UUCW & Connecting and Caring Opportunities – June 9, 2020

COVID-19 Protocol & Outreach Update The Health & Safety Team met again in late May and has reaffirmed its recommendation to the Board of Management that UUCW worship services be held remotely through the remainder of the 2019-20 Church Year (end of June 2020).  As part of a phased reopening plan, we are beginning to … Continue reading Health & Safety News at UUCW & Connecting and Caring Opportunities – June 9, 2020