How to Find Us

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester
140 Shore Drive, Worcester, MA 01605-3117
[at the corner of Holden Street and Shore Drive]
From the East or West on I-290
Take Exit 19 (marked Holden, Fitchburg, I-190, Route 12). Take first exit (Exit 1) before Greendale Mall. Enter Route 12 North and immediately cross into left lane to take first left (access road to I-190). Next, take an immediate right fork to Norton Drive. Turn left at traffic lights. Unitarian Universalist Church is the last building on the right (after the Bancroft School). The parking lot of the church is located on Shore Drive.
From the North on I-190
Take Exit 2, Ararat Street. After going straight through the first set of lights, follow sign for Shore Drive. At second set of lights, turn right. Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester is the last building on the right (after the Bancroft School). The parking lot of the church is located on Shore Drive.
From The Mass Turnpike
From the West: Take Exit 10, Auburn. After tolls, bear left and get onto I-290 East toward Worcester. Follow directions below from I-290.
From the East: Take Exit 11a, Westborough for Route 495 North (toward Marlborough). Take I-290 West toward Worcester. Follow directions below from I-290.