Members of the UUCW make a yearly financial pledge to support the work of the Church. We hold a Stewardship Campaign each winter to gather the support of the congregation in the form of an annual household pledge. We also accept pledges and donations online through SimpleGive – click here to pledge.
What is a pledge? A pledge is a promise to make a contribution to the church. The total amount pledged by everyone is used by the Church leaders to plan the programs and set a budget for the next fiscal year.

Who should pledge? Our goal is to obtain a pledge from 100% of the members and active friends of the congregation. This goal is based on fundamental fairness. We are a community of people with a vision. We understand we cannot achieve our vision alone. We rely on each other.
How much should I pledge? We understand people’s financial means vary. In order to successfully pursue our vision, we would like first-time pledgers to consider pledging 2% of their adjusted gross income.
Why do we need the money? The money supports the staff, building, and programs that we all value.