Connections Team
The Connections Team at UUCW is a hospitality ministry of the congregation that greets members and friends at Worship, follows up with newcomers who have questions or request information, and provides introductory experiences to the congregation and the Unitarian Universalist movement.
We Welcome You and Invite You to Join a Unique Community!
At UUCW, we welcome you to our community. While there are no formal tests for becoming a member of UUCW, there are a few steps you might consider:
- Get to know us by attending worship services, fellowship events, classes and other programs.
- Complete a Get to Know You card so we can connect you to others with similar interests.
- Enroll your children in our Religious Exploration program.
- Attend a New-UU class to meet other newcomers and learn about Unitarian Universalist history and principles, our ministry programs, and the responsibilities and benefits of membership.
- Set up an appointment with the minister.
- Sign the Membership Book.
- Discuss with us the amount of financial support you are able to give the church.
Why Join?
- Joining the church is a formal sign of commitment to our community. With it goes an agreement of both service and financial support, as you are able, to our community. You will also receive a subscription to UU World magazine.
- Joining means lending your energy and talents to grow our young people, care for our elders, fight for our beliefs and passions, laugh together, cry together, and mark our transitions together.
- Joining buoys and strengthens the community — and that means each and every member — and lets us each know that we share a common bond.
- Being a member of UUCW also allows you to vote on concerns vital to our church community. This includes approval of how we spend our money, leadership in this community, and important structural and institutional questions.