UUCW intl Women’s Day poem 2025
She went by Lady, raised six children from war-torn Sudan
She’s very kind, and I talk to her a lot.
She’s dedicated to our kitchen.
Such a pain in the ass, they put her on the city council!
Olympia raised three kids and worked the switchboard.
My mom, who was buried in her Lifeflight suit…
She ran the Better Business Bureau of Knoxville, Tennessee—
Free to be You and Me.
Her name is Sonrisa, she is all light, and her smile!
The advisor in grad school who taught me to negotiate
Graduated with a Master’s Degree from the University of Chicago,
My mother. My nurses – these people were chosen for me.
It’s amazing what one woman with a phone and a voice can get done.
The head of a company in 1963, she patented the drive-thru
Holland College, Class of 1980
Homemakers, raised children and kept house,
It wasn’t easy in the South.
World traveler, a friend in every city – she was the woman to call.
Adopted children and adoptive parents–
She raised my 2 uncles and my mom.
Service. They nursed my grandfather when he had cancer.
Grandma grandma
Both my grandmothers
I lift up my children, they are adopted
Ritz cracker pie, 911 operator — doctor of physical education
Lo and behold, didn’t I become a midwife!
I’m so grateful I have her in my life.
I have never seen a city work crew get to a pothole so fast.
Tireless – she went to nursing school.
A special ed teacher for 27 years.
Both my grandmas named Minnie,
Virginia and Viva, Nancy and Amy, Moira, Catherine, Aunt Martha, Stella, Ann
Sharon, Lola, Marcus & Reina, Nell and Natalie, Marlo Thomas!
My life has been enriched beyond – beyond.
I never laugh so much as when I’m with them.