Cool Beans Coffee House Returns! – Saturday, March 1, 7 – 9:30 PM

image of coffee cup with musical notes on it

Looking for a warm spot to get in from the cold?  Do you like a nice cup of java or tea while listening to a poem or a piece of music?  How about an evening with friends of the UUCW to help support the Interfaith Hospitality Network?  We have the evening for you:

This year’s Cool Beans Coffee House will be held on Saturday, March 1, from 7:00 – 9:30.

  • Calling all talented performers:  Dianne Mann will be serving as our “talent scout” once again.  If you need an accompanist, our Director of Music, Matt Johnsen will be glad to accompany you.  Generally we ask people to prepare a five minute spot.  You may note that some of our particular favorites are asked to perform a little more.  If you are interested in performing, contact:  Dianne Mann at djmann at charter dot net as soon as possible.  She’ll be recruiting acts in Fellowship Hall during Coffee Hour.  
  • Our friendly baristas need your help!  If you can bake items for sale at the Coffee House, please be in touch with Angela St. Laurent at angel dot girl dot 7041at gmail dot com
  • Tickets can be purchased beginning Feb. 2 during Fellowship Hour.  Cost:  $7.00 each with a family maximum of $20.00 prior to Monday Feb. 19th.  After that, and at the door, tickets will be $10.00 each with a family maximum of $30.00.  To purchase tickets now, you can use this Simple Give link:
  • ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE COFFEE HOUSE GO TO BENEFIT THE IN THE HOUR OF NEED FAMILY SHELTERThis is the family shelter the Church supports both financially and, perhaps more importantly, with volunteers who help staff the shelter several weeks during the year during evenings and overnights.  

Robin Mitzcavitch, Sue Neaz, Angela St. Laurent and Dianne Mann are coordinating this year’s Coffee House and are sure it will be the best ever!  Save the date!

You can use this QR Code to purchase tickets, scan with your smartphone!