Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well and enjoying your summer.
On August 19 we will have our monthly Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry distribution. In addition to the usual food, we would like to offer school supplies to the 28 school aged children who utilize the Food pantry. Some of you have dropped off items or gift cards, but we still have a significant need for back packs, notebooks and markers. Your generous contributions will make an important difference in the lives of those in need. Let’s come together to ensure every child has the tools they need to succeed.
Your donations can be dropped off at the church in the tote which will be outside the door to the sanctuary any time before 8/12/23. We will check it often. You could let us know if you drop something off by emailing us at if you choose. You can leave gift cards to Staples or Target in an envelope with Loaves and Fishes clearly marked on it in the grey box to the right of the office door during Jenn’s office hours (M T W 9-3 TH 9 -2). You can always email me at the above address and we will figure something out!
Thank you for your ongoing support and compassion.
Marilyn Martin