Faith In Action – Get Out The Vote Team News

get out the vote poster

Let’s make some more GOOD TROUBLE!

With two weeks before the midterm election, let’s put our efforts towards increasing voter participation.  The best way to do that after in-person canvassing, is by phonebanking. All of these are non-partisan and provide training over zoom.

To qualify as a Good Trouble Congregation, we now have about 400 more calls to be made.  Help me chip away at making calls, keep a tally, and let me know how many you make.  Let me know how I can support you in this effort.

Help protect our democracy.   If ever there was a time to get involved, this is it!

Also, to make sure you’re ready to vote, Devra Goldstein from Worcester Interfaith will be here on Sunday to provide information about Questions 1 and 4 which are in direct alignment with our UU values.  You are also invited to vote after church at Stearns Tavern on Mill Street if you are a Worcester registered voter.  UUCW is a polling place for early voting on Oct. 28 and 29th.  AVOID LONG LINES ON ELECTION DAY AND VOTE EARLY!

For more information about voting this November, go to 

Beth Posner-Waldron, Coordinator, UUCW Get Out The Vote Team

Contact me at