UUCW is holding a Flea Market/Yard Sale on September 25 under the big white tent, right before it comes down.
For just $20, rent a table and sell your wares and crafts at our busy intersection. Your $20 goes to the church. Your profits (and leftovers) go home with you.
And there’s more! UUCW wants your Christmas items! Drop them off early on September 25. Leftovers will be sold at the Craft Fair on December 4. All money for Christmas items will go to the church. You don’t have to be a vendor to donate these items.
It’s first come/first served, so book early! To reserve a spot and an 8-foot table, contact Janet Stone at mstone12242 at charter dot net or 508-799-0842 by September 23.
What: Flea Market/Yard Sale
When: September 25, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: UUCW parking lot and tent