Annually all who identify as women at UUCW can go to “Runaway Weekend” for relaxation, getting to know each other better and having some fun. This year we will be going to Rowe UUA Retreat Center in Rowe, MA from Friday evening April 11th – Sunday morning April 13th.
You can learn more about Rowe here: https://rowecenter.org/
Dee Hudson and Dianne Mann are Co-Chairing this event, which we hope will be terrific. It is time to seriously consider going as deposits need to be placed now. The deposit to hold your spot is $65.00. You can pay it using this link: https://bit.ly/WRunawayW or by scanning the QR code below. Deposit is due by Dec 20th.
Dianne will be taking sign-ups at the Church on Sundays or you can email Dianne and Dee Hudson at
Note that there are several different kinds of housing. Most rooms are dormitory housing and there are shared bathrooms. The rates are listed on this Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Jbh6bUCHKXedxbTCyhH5MLPHLQP61NRT/edit?gid=1206012403#gid=1206012403
Meals will be provided on Friday evening, Saturday for breakfast, lunch and dinner and Sunday breakfast. Their chefs can accommodate vegetarian and gluten-free diets.

Scan QR CODE to pay your $65 deposit! Due by Dec 20th!
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.