UUCW Book Group – “True Biz” – February 12, 2025, 7 – 8:30 PM

The Book Group will meet next on Wednesday, February 12that 7 PM in Classroom 3.   We will discuss Audrey Blake’s “The Surgeon’s Daughter.”   

Set in the 1840s, when women were denied entry to British and American medical schools and doctors routinely succumbed to contagious diseases suffered by their patients, the story follows the brave struggle of Nora Beady, ward to renowned London surgeon Horace Croft.

You’re welcome if you haven’t finished the book, and even if you’ve not read it but want to listen in on the discussion.

Our books include fiction and non-fiction and are chosen by our members. Contact the Book Club at  if you’re interested in joining us and to get a copy of the current reading list. All readers are welcome.