by David Schowalter and the Stewardship Committee

It’s nearly that time again! This year’s upcoming UUCW pledge drive, themed “Defying Gravity,” invites members to soar together in generosity and love. Drawing inspiration from Wicked, the recent musical movie that celebrates breaking boundaries and embracing bold visions, the campaign seeks to galvanize the congregation to secure the church’s future and sustain its vital programs.
This year’s pledge drive comes at a pivotal time for us. While our community has weathered recent challenges with resilience, financial pressures have mounted. Now, to avoid further reliance on the principal of our investment account—a finite resource critical to UUCW’s survival—the congregation must aim high and achieve a substantial increase in annual pledges.
“Defying Gravity” isn’t just about raising money—it’s about lifting each other up. This theme speaks to our shared commitment to dream big for our church’s future while remaining grounded in our shared values and principles.
To ensure that everyone understands the financial needs and goals of the church, new members and attendees will be invited to short educational sessions held in the lounge after Sunday services. These informal meetings will present an overview of the church’s financial structure, including how pledges support programs, staff, and maintenance, as well as the importance of preserving the investment account. These sessions aim to build transparency and engagement to foster a deeper connection to the church’s mission.
The campaign will feature inspiring testimonials from members who have seen the transformative power of the church’s programs. From outreach efforts that feed the hungry to life-changing youth initiatives, UUCW’s mission depends on the generosity of its members.
We will not have a “Stewardship Sunday” service this year, but sprinkled among the sabbatical services will be special features to infuse the pledge drive with creative energy, including a Wicked-themed musical element featuring congregants.
The UUCW Board and Stewardship Committee ask everyone to consider their pledge, recognizing that each promise to contribute next church-year makes a difference, no matter the size. Together, the congregation has the power to defy financial gravity to ensure the church and its mission continues to flourish for years to come.
For more information on the pledge drive, stay tuned!