November 17, 2024 was Kindred Conversations Sunday. Attendees split up into five break out groups for part of the service. In the top photo, children and youth make ‘Kindness Cookies’ for Fellowship Hour during the “Religious Exploration” session led by Robin Mitzcavitch. The bottom photo is the “RE Parents/Caregivers” session, led by Jessie Trowbridge and Kate Sweetser.
Photo of the Week #2
Kindred Conversations Sunday continued. In the top photo, Vickie Cox-Lanyon and Cathy McDonough led the “Get to Know You” session. In the bottom photo, Evan Wilson and Beth Posner-Waldron led the “Social Justice” session.
Photo of the Week #3
Vickie Cox-Lanyon holds up an oversized gift card as part of a skit with Ana Gregory, Auction co-chair, right. This was to promote our upcoming 2024 Church Auction, and was part of the Welcome on November 17, 2024.
Photo of the Week #4
The choir, plus those who joined Matt Johnsen’s Music breakout session today, sing the Closing Hymn “Siyahamba” on November 17, 2024.