A small group of members of the Get Out the Vote Team met last Thursday to talk about staying engaged after the presidential election.
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was first brought to congress 101 years ago in December; we are close to getting it added as a constitutional amendment, securing equal rights for people of all genders. It has been ratified by enough states and the deadlines imposed in the 1970s were removed by congress. We now just need the National Archivist to publish the ERA, under the president’s orders. Please join us in sending letters to President Joe Biden asking him to give this order.
Please feel free to use this letter as a template:
President Biden
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Biden,
You have limited time in your Presidency when you can do something that would make a lasting impact.
[Insert Personal Comments]
Please officially recognize the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. With one stroke of your pen you would guarantee equal rights for people of all genders and sexes and ensure that our Constitution protects everyone equally. With most Americans supporting this, now is the time to take action and make history.
Please instruct the National Archivist to publish the fully ratified 28th Amendment in our Constitution to make sure that it is permanently enshrined in our sacred document.
Thank You,