Ken Basye stands beside the new Get Out The Vote banner during Fellowship Hour on October 27, 2024. Ken was the benefactor who generously donated the money to purchase the sign. Beth Posner-Waldron makes the sign of thanks towards Ken. Susan Crossley, another GOTV team member, is at left.
Photo of the Week #2
Buzz Lightyear, also known as Desi, goes Trick or Treating for UNICEF during the service on October 27, 2024.
Photo of the Week #3
With Halloween just around the corner, the children weren’t the only ones who dressed up for service on October 27, 2024. Top photo, from left, Kate Sweetser and Dawn Doud. Bottom photo, from left, Kim Napoleone, Jessie Trowbridge and Emily Stolarski.
Photo of the Week #4
Jessie Trowbridge took home 8 Monarch caterpillars from UUCW’s native plant gardens. She raised them in the indoor mesh habitat seen at far left. On October 27, 2024 three of the butterflies which had emerged this past week were released to begin their journey to Mexico. Top photo, Jessie holds one of the caterpillars. Jessie and some Religious Exploration children tagged the butterflies before they were released. Bottom photo, Flora, dressed as author Laura Ingalls Wilder, gets a butterfly out from the mesh habitat, then gets ready to release it. Standing beside her, and dressed as Buzz Lightyear, is Desi.
Photo of the Week #5
UUCW’s newest musical ministry, the Bell Choir, practiced on Monday, October 21, 2024. Top photo, from left, Cris Heffernan, Nancy Baffa, Meredith Newman and Fran Jewers-Langille. Bottom photo, Director Kathleen Nagy conducts the rehearsal.