by Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration

Welcome back to the official church year! Behind the scenes, many have been busy inviting people to become a part of the community of activities at UUCW. Yes, we need people, as all communities do, to get things done. I see the practice of invitation as an invitation to a party. A party, you say? Yes!
I know it may be a stretch to think of joining a painting work group, assisting in our classrooms, helping teens go on a service trip, or greeting folks at the front of our sanctuary as accepting a party invite. I have noticed that each group that forms to get things done, often becomes a joyful and meaningful community of friends. Working together on tasks important to sustain a congregation or to support a cause is life-changing work. Within this experience, we grow by knowing others more deeply. I like to think of life as a blending of experiences and talents to make the world better.
But an invitation to a work project is not the only party! There are many social groups that are forming or which already exist within our community that want you to check them out. Maybe you won’t get a formal invitation, but I’m here to say that you are officially invited!
- We are looking to form a “Great Outdoors” group. Are you interested in participating or leading an outdoor experience? Let us know!
- Young Adults- we want you to gather in a social and supportive way. There is a monthly social that we are attempting to kick off in October called MYAN (Massachusetts Young Adult Network.)
- How about joining our book group, fiber arts group, women’s group, quilt group, Garden-on Team?
- Maybe you have an idea to start your own group…we can help you. There have been discussions about a writing group.
- Parents- there are tons of opportunities to gather together to get to know each other. One way is a formal parent meet-up group. Other ways may be to be involved in activities with other parents such as a group hike, a playgroup, or our wonderful monthly game night.
Although many of the invitations to “join” come from others, the call to walk our own paths through the world is an invitation from ourselves. To know what will feed you spiritually and mentally and to seek out those opportunities is the greatest gift of invitation. When we invite ourselves to listen to our own calling and not wait for the invite is a bold statement. To raise your hand and enter into an area that you know could be important, but new to you, is not always an easy thing to do.
I know that being part of a church community has allowed me and my own children to do things that we may have never sought out on our own. UUCW has already gathered the opportunities for engagement, you can check them out on the boards in Fellowship Hall and on our website.
You are invited to be part of a community. RSVP anytime you’d like! It’s a party of discovery, growth, joy, and meaning. I truly hope you can attend!
With Love,