In a world that feeds on moral outrage, we are here to cultivate moral courage
In a time that prizes picking sides, we gather to draw a wider circle
And in a culture that teaches us to get for what we give
And to ask “what’s in it for me?”
We come to practice generosity and to remember,
We are all in this together.
In the midst of life’s bitterness, we choose to sing, to give thanks,
to laugh together, and to be keepers of beauty
to offer a place of belonging for all who come,
in gladness and in pain,
to resist the push to the next moment, and the next
to slow down, to breathe more deeply, to feel a part of something greater.
– Rev. Gretchen Haley
It seems appropriate to me that this month’s Soul Matters Theme is “The Practice of Invitation”. As we look forward to gathering again in the Sanctuary for worship next Sunday, I’ve been thinking a lot about the invitation we make to members and friends each Fall. Rev. Gretchen Haley’s words seem most apropos in a season of elections and political campaigns. Moreover, these words call us past the stuff that can mire us in attitudes and ways of being that make this season more a slog than an opportunity to celebrate all that we are capable of being in the world.
Like our Universalist and Unitarian forebears I believe that we represent a “saving message” for the communities we love and the world we cherish. That message is grounded in a vision of human potential and goodness that is far more powerful and creative than often experienced through the media. Though I have to say that this summer’s Olympics gave me many moments to witness the triumph of that spirit.
And I am keenly aware that I write this as war continues to wage in Gaza and in many parts of the globe. I stand firm on my conviction that peace is impossible when we are actively killing each others children. And while I do not feel I have the power to change the course of global history, I am convinced that the continuing efforts of our community to serve those most in need, and to continue to foster a sanctuary where everyone who wishes to enter into the spirit of our community is welcome, is both life-saving and soul-enhancing work.
To that end, we are planning many opportunities this Fall for religious and spiritual exploration across the life-span including a new Young Adult Ministry project with First Unitarian Church, an abundance of small groups, and continuing our core ministries to serve the hungry, homeless and those newly arriving in our country and community. Furthermore, plans this year to make real the vision of a memorial garden and legacy program are on the table.
In addition, the congregation received a significant grant from the Commonwealth to add security systems to the building which will include video, intercom, and new doors for parts of the building.
From January through March, I have been granted a sabbatical which will give the congregation time to experience other voices from the pulpit and to explore programming that gives us all pause to consider the next iteration of our mutual ministry.
All of these efforts need the creative energy of committed people. This is the invitation. Come, fill yourselves once again with the spirit that is so palpable here, be nourished and held by a friendly family of common seekers. Join our efforts in ways that give you gladness and meaning.
We return to the Sanctuary this Sunday for our service of Fall return. Remember to bring a bit of water from, or symbolic of, your summer sojourns. This Sunday is also “Star Trek Day”, something new for us to engage. My reflection then will be “To Boldly Go”. “Where?” you ask. Come and find out! Our Service is intergenerational this week.