The season for Summer Worship is upon us! Beginning on Sunday, June 23 through Sunday, August 31, 2024, Summer Sunday Services returns to the lounge and various places in the community! Onsight services will be both in-person and online. Off-site will be in-person only.
Summer worship is informal and led by members and friends of the congregation on a variety of topics. Beginning at 10 am folks gather in the lounge to discuss topics near and dear to the heart, offer an opportunity for joys & sorrows, a weekly offering, and time for more informal conversation.
The schedule for this year’s Summer Sunday Worship this year includes:
23- Dianne Mann & Karen Stephenson on “Juneteenth”
30- Aaron Payson on “An Update on UUA Article II Discussions”
7 – Rev. Cheryl Leshay on “Independence & Interdependence”
14- Rev. Cheryl Leshay & Friends on “Tying it All Together” Fiber Arts and Spirituality
21- Susan Crossley, Mara Pentlarge and Joan McGinn on “Microaggressions”
28- Jessie Trowbridge “A Morning at Overlook Farm” (off site)
4- Dianne Mann on “A Hymn Singing Service”
11- Brian & Rachel Keyo “The Dog Days of Summer @ Beaver Brook Dog Park” (off site)
18- Evan Wilson on “Putting Our UU Values in Action”
25- Leo DaSilva & The Garden On Team with a “Garden Tour & Work Morning” (in the garden – off site)
1 – Aaron Payson on “Widening Our Circle”
Watch for the weekend reminder and website for updates and information about these upcoming services.
For more information, contact .