Photos of the Week for June 18, 2024

Photo of the Week #1

Peg Gifford selects her flower during the Flower Communion portion of the service on June 16, 2024. Maria Juncos is beside her. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

Photo of the Week #2

The Rev. Aaron Payson reads the storybook “Grandad’s Prayers of the Earth” to, from left, Lulu, Edythe, Josie, Luke and Sam during the service on June 16, 2024. (photo by Betty Jenewin

Photo of the Week #3

Corey Prachniak, his mother Deb, Rachel Keyo and Mara Pentlarge collected on an auction prize on June 16, 2024, spending time at David Miller’s woodlot in Princeton. Here, David is at left, with Rachel. (photo by Mara Pentlarge)

Photo of the Week #4

This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to Flower Communion Sunday on May 8, 2016, when Alanna, left, and Skylar distributed flowers to the congregation. (photo by Betty Jenewin)