These young people shared statements on their values during the Youth Group Service on March 24, 2024. From left, they are Vernon, Simon, Rebecca, George, Ayre, Amaya, Justin and Elisabeth. (photos by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #2
George reads “A Church for All,” the Story for All Ages, during the Youth Group Service on March 24, 2024.
Photo of the Week #3
Unsung behind-the-scenes hero Kim McCoy does what he so often does, mans the dishwasher. This was during the UUCW Potluck Dinner on March 23, 2024. Here’s to Kim!
Photo of the Week #4
The gathering sings “Happy Birthday” to Pauline Courchesne at the UUCW Potluck Dinner on March 23, 2024. Presenting Pauline with her cake is Melissa McKeon, right.
Photo of the Week #5
Brian Keyo served as Disc Jockey for the UUCW Potluck Dinner on March 23, 2024. DJ Brian tells me that I can call spinning records “flinging biscuits.” I like that!
Photo of the Week #6
Joan McGinn, right, leads a session on “Talking Feminism: Victories and Challenges” after the service on March 24, 2024.
Photo of the Week #7
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to March 3, 2019 when Cristina Heffernan, one of the leaders of the Stewardship campaign, and her son Charlie put up the display #ThankUUCW before the service on Stewardship Sunday.