Worship at UUCW is the product of many voices, hands and hearts. Each Sunday we look forward to hearing from each other about the important happenings in our lives and the world, and our worship experience is made rich and meaningful because of the variety of voices included in it.
As we continue to offer Sunday Morning Worship as a multi-platform experience, we are looking for people to become part of one of our Sunday Morning Worship Teams as Worship Assistants (WA). WAs work with the Worship Leader to provide any of the following: lighting the chalice, welcoming the congregation to worship, presenting the opening words, introducing the offertory, or assisting with a ritual. You do not have to have any previous training, we’ll work with anyone willing to lend their presence to this program.
Congregation Leaders! Do you have a special church program, project or group you promote? Becoming part of a Worship Team on the Sunday(s) before your activity gives you a moment to introduce the congregation to your activity.
New to the congregation? This is a wonderful way to become known and to have an opportunity to introduce yourself.
Willing to give it a try?! Click below to sign up for any upcoming Sunday morning. The Worship Leader will be in touch with you the week before the service to discuss your role and help provide any resources necessary.
Want more information or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rev. Aaron Payson.