
by Moira Rouse, Stewardship Team

Last weekend our building bustled with people and activities: food pantry before the holiday, a dinner and evening to connect people and generations, Sunday service with an expanding new member ceremony, fellowship hour bolstered by birthday cake and other leftovers from the night before, a Coming of Age activity full of laughter and learning, and more activities on an around the building all weekend!  Whether you participated in any of those activities, your presence is appreciated and always awaited in this, your place of belonging, your congregation.  The Stewardship Committee wishes you and your loved ones a safe, healthy and fulfilling holiday week!  We are honored to be able to share Matthew Johnsen’s poem of gratitude:

For breath, for life, for love, for health, for these things and more we are grateful
For moments of peace, for ecstatic visions, for the impulse of creation we are grateful
Forgiveness and grace, reconnection and love, for these things and more we are grateful
To walk when we can’t, to see through the wall -even for a moment- we are grateful
For the impulse to share, for the need to receive, for these things and more are we grateful
For light which appears without bidding each morn after dark nights that seem like they’ll never end
For each and every day, for each and every friend, for these things and more we are in your grace
We are filled with your grace
Lau-da lau-de for these things and more we are grateful
Lau-da lau-de for all of these gifts we are grateful 

Please CLICK HERE to see Matt performing.