It is that time of year again when many who are back to school and workplaces now confront the challenges of proximity! Colds abound! And for some, this season has brought early bouts with flu. Local hospitals are also reporting more cases of COVID-19 as some of our own families have also experienced. What are we doing at UUCW, you might ask, to address this reality?
As has been our protocol, we continue to encourage those who are experiencing symptoms of cold, flu, or COVID-19 to make their health a priority and seek all available remedies with their health-care providers. We invite those who are potentially infectious to join activities online or to protect themselves and others from further illness by wearing a mask at church and in other spaces where people gather.
Mask wearing is not mandatory but is encouraged for those experiencing illness who are attending in person and for those most vulnerable to illness. Masks are also available at church if one is desired. We also invite participants to wash their hands regularly and continue to provide waterless hand cleansers at the church entrances. The bathrooms and kitchen also contain hand cleansers.
We also encourage all of those who are able and desire to be vaccinated for both flu and COVID-19 to receive the latest vaccinations. To find where COVID-19 Vaccines are being offered, CLICK HERE. If you are looking for where to find this year’s flu vaccine, CLICK HERE.
The City of Worcester and Commonwealth continue to monitor the development of cases of COVID-19 and Flu. To date, there is no public mandate to mask. We continue to monitor these resources for current data and recommendations. To find out more about the Commonwealth’s ongoing COVID-19 response CLICK HERE.
Finally, please remember that our fundamental purpose as a faith community is to care for each other and those we serve. If you are experiencing challenges related to flu or COVID-19, please reach out and let us know so that we can accompany you to better health in the ways of your own choosing. You can reach me at , or Robin (our RE Director) at , or our Pastoral Care Team at .