Office Hours: Office Hours are Monday and Wednesday 9 am – 3 pm; Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Jen works from home on Tuesdays from 9 am – 3 pm to accommodate office access needs for other staff and volunteers. She is available by phone (508-853-1942 ext 102) and email () as usual on Tuesdays, unless she is dealing with family medical needs. On those dates phone calls and emails will be returned as soon as possible.
KEY RETURNS: If you are holding a church key but are no longer on a church/RE committee or team, please return your key to the church as soon as possible. We have new volunteers to the church that need keys to do their important work for our community, and we would like to save the money it would cost to have more keys made. Keys can be returned during office hours or dropped in the office mailbox to return them.
Email address update: Due to a change in the way we access email from the server, it is very important that the correct email be used to contact the office. The correct email is <– the .org is important! Even though you may still see the .net in the headers, please make sure the correct address is in your to field, or it will never be seen. Please update your contact lists accordingly!
Problems getting the church emails with gmail? Click Here!
Gmail Users – Please note that if you stop receiving the Message, Nugget, and Weekend Reminder, check your Promotions tab in Gmail. Often, you will find that church emails (and other emails from Constant Contact) are in there! Please click HERE for information on how to get the church emails to stay in your inbox. Please share this information with your fellow congregants if they mention they aren’t getting the Message!
Phone Extensions: During this challenging time, it is helpful to everyone, both staff and congregants, to be able to communicate as quickly as possible. In aid of that, here are the phone extensions of the church – using these will make it so that you get in touch directly with the person you need to speak with, or can leave them a voicemail:
Jennifer Landry, Office Administrator – 102 (or dial 0 during the initial voicemail message)
Rev. Aaron Payson, Minister – 103
Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration – 104
Sue Chaffee, Bookkeeper – 105
Pastoral or Building Emergencies – 108 (or dial 6 during the initial voicemail message)
Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry – 109 (or dial 9 during the initial voicemail message)
Communications at UUCW – Click the link for details on how to submit things for the Message, Nugget, Order of Service, and more!
In Case of Emergency: If you have any sort of pastoral or building-related emergency, please call 508-853-1942 and choose option 6.
Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry: To get in touch with volunteers from the Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, please call 508-853-1942 and choose option 9, or email . The Food Pantry takes place on the third Saturday of each month, in the Fellowship Hall, from 10 am – noon.
Cancellations & Closings Due to Weather: Please CLICK HERE to see the most recent UUCW Cancellation Policy, which includes all of the information about Sunday morning closings. Office closings due to bad weather through the week will be put on the answering machine at menu item 4, and on the church’s Facebook page. Jen will, barring internet/power outages, be able to check email and phone messages.
Jennifer Landry, Office Administrator